Who are Process Envision and What makes us different?
Process Envision are a specialist business process consultancy set-up by Paul Elson-Vining.
We are a pure process mapping consultancy that helps public and private sector organisations understand their business processes. Our approach is very much consultative. We work with you to get the results you need rather than imposing our framework and structure.
We are clear, open and transparent in what we can and cannot provide in the way of services. Our work comes predominantly from referrals and recommendations. We are a partner to Triaster and can provide a Business Management system with a Consultancy project and also provide training and support for the platform.
What are the typical types of project we are involved with?
Companies that have undergone rapid growth through mergers over the last few years will often suffer from systems, processes and procedures not keeping pace. As a result, organisations can experience pockets of undocumented knowledge and good practices but not shared with the broader organisation.
They may also experience many unknown manual processes and rework being conducted, along with potential duplication and redundant processes. Whilst there may be substantial progress with digitising the workplace, there may well be underutilisation of systems or the inability to access information at the point of use.
We are also involved where organisation have had an issue and need to get a handle on what went wrong and identify where the process may have been a factor and close the gaps.
How do you approach process workshop?
Careful management of process workshops is essential to a successful project. Staff can be concerned when an external consultant is used to ask them what they do, why they do it and what happens to what they produce. They can feel threatened that their job is at risk or not trusted.
Keeping staff informed is the key to any review. Providing clear information of what will happen and why and the reasons for the programme will help them going forward.
From the outset, it is essential to ensure staff do not experience a feeling that change is ‘being done to them’ and that they are not part of the process. The processes belong to the staff performing them, and the organisation is there to help ‘grease the wheels’ to remove barriers.
The attendees in our workshops are the content experts. Process Envision is not there to tell them if it is right or wrong. We will, however:
- Challenge the purpose of the task.
- Ask where the outputs go.
- Obtain feedback if there are any perceived issues or bottlenecks.
We find it works better if managers are not involved in the first facilitated workshops. Typically, attendees are more relaxed to talk through the process and more likely to say if they do not understand a task or wish to voice concerns. Process Envision will provide this feedback to stakeholders as anonymously as possible.
What are the typical outputs from an engagement?
- Process maps
- Findings and observations report
A set of ‘end-to-end’ process maps detailed above the work instruction level. The methodology we use is called noun-verb, where each activity has a clear input and output. Processes will document the task completed but not the ‘how’.
Process Envision will provide process maps in the selected tools native format. We can also offer on request HTML format files or PDF’s (with limited functionality). We will also supply a series of data reports from the process captured. These are typically Hotspots, Value Stream, Systems, opportunities for standardisation or improvement, and the potential to automate steps.
After documenting the ‘as-is’ processes and identifying any non-value-adding steps, together with the number of occurrences, we will produce a final report.
We do not supply a data map of how the systems interact from a technical level or the protocols used for data transfer.

Paul Elson-Vining
Managing Director
Paul Elson-Vining has over 15 years of experience of process experience and over 30 years experience in implementing and training software systems, With 15 of those in Business Process Management.
He has personally been involved in over 100 Business Process Management (BPM) implementations globally. With a logical approach, he can understand the key elements that customers require in their business process.
One of his essential skills is that of a process facilitator, listening to how people describe what they do and bringing out the essence into a clearly defined set of processes.
His certifications include:
- Chartered Management Institute Level 7 Diploma in Professional Consulting
- IRCA certified Lead Auditor for the 9001:2015
- QMS Internal Auditor
- GASQ Certified GDPR Practitioner
- TickIt Plus Practitioner
- TPMA Certified Training Practitioner
- Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist in Visio
- LCS Lean Foundation (Yellow Belt)

Additional Consultancy support
We also have access to a wide range of other consultancy services on request. Some of the specialists are certified in:

- Information Security ISO 27001
- Environmental Services Specialists in ISO 14001
- Health and Safety ISO 45001
- Lean Black Belt
- Sustainability